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The Settlers Online

News archive

16.08.2011[Event] Beginner Guides! Win 500 Gems!

Castle Empire is rapidly growing and now we need some great guides for all of the fledgling nobility of our world. The Pro Tips event was a great start, but now it is time to take it to the next level.

Head to the events section of the forums, and join our elite players in creating guides. This Beginner Guide Event could earn you 500 Gems!

Submit your Guides here!

See you in-game,


Ubisoft Player Experience Manager

12.08.2011Pro Tip Event Winners!

The Castle Empire Beginner Pro Tip Event has come to a close.

As most of you know, Pro Tips is one of my favorite threads on the forums. It is where the community can come and learn about all the things that the players before them have discovered.

I want to thank everyone for helping the NOOBILITY of Castle Empire. For that, I give EVERYONE who participated in this epic thread 50 Gems. Lets face it, you all deserve it.

For those of you looking for Pro Tips, head here.

See you in-game,


Ubisoft Player Experience Manager

09.08.2011Castle Empire Trivia Event! 8/8 - 8/12

Hey CEO Testers!

Each day, between 8/8 and 8/12, I will post a Trivia Question in Global Chat. The first 5 people to answer correctly will win 25 Gems!

You can find the event details here.

See you in-game,


Ubisoft Player Experience Manager

08.08.20118/9 Server Maintenance 12AM PST

The Castle Empire servers will come down on Tuesday morning at 12AM PST(3AM EST) for a 5 hour maintenance.

Click here to find out what changes were made!

Be sure to follow Castle Empire on Facebook for news and exclusive updates!

See you in-game,


Ubisoft Player Experience Manager

04.08.2011Vote for the Best Looking Empire!

Hey CEO Testers!

The Build a Thon has come to a close. However, it is not to late to vote for the best looking empire! The top 5 players with the most votes will take home 500 Gems!

You can vote for the best looking empire on this forum poll.

See you in-game,


Ubisoft Player Experience Manager

02.08.20118/3 Server Maintenance 12AM PST

The Castle Empire servers came down on Wednesday morning at 12AM PST for a 3 hour maintenance.

Click here to find out what changes were made!

Update 03:15 : We ran into some unexpected errors with the chatserver, so the maintenance will take a bit longer. Thank you for your patience :)

Update 05:00: The server is back online, have fun playing!

See you in-game,


Ubisoft Player Experience Manager

01.08.2011What if? Forum Event - Win 25 Gems

Check out this simple and fun forum game in the events section of the forums. The premise is simple, you respond to the what if? question in the post above yours, and then make up your own for the next person to answer!

For example:

What if plants ate animals instead of the other way around?

Rolling in the grass would be an extreme sport.

Now it is your turn! Head to the What if? Forum Thread and make up your own crazy questions and answers! You could win 25 Gems!

See you in-game,


Ubisoft Player Experience Manager

28.07.2011Pro Tip Event - Win Gems!

The Castle Empire beginner Pro Tip Event is in full swing!

The Pro Tip section of our forums will be a place for all of Castle Empire’s aspiring nobility to find the resources they need to establish themselves within the realm. I ask that our experienced lords and ladies contribute to the forum their best beginner tips.

Our hope is that this patchwork of knowledge will lend itself as a guide to our newer noobility. If helping your fellow player is not quite incentive enough, ten randomly selected forum contributors will receive 50 Gems to use in Open Beta.

Submit your Pro Tips here!

See you in-game,


Ubisoft Player Experience Manager

26.07.2011Fan Kit Available!

Lords and Ladies!

While you wait for your miners to haul in the next pile of stone, or for your lumberjacks to return with the forest’s bounty, seize the opportunity to gaze upon the Castle Empire Fan Kit and behold the riches within. This Fan Kit holds the key to creating your very own Fan Site for Castle Empires.

Even the most inexperienced web architect can create something fantastic. Not the most web-savvy of the kingdom’s nobility?

Fear not, for this treasure trove of screenshots, concept art, wallpaper, and game icons will surely pique your interest.

Download the Fan Kit here

See you in-game,


Ubisoft Player Experience Manager


23.06.2011Welcome to Castle Empire!

Welcome to Castle Empire!

If you already have a closed beta access key, please click here and follow the directions on the page to access the game.

Don’t have one yet? If you’re selected to participate in the closed beta, you’ll receive it by email, so keep an eye out for any emails from us!

Be sure to check out these helpful links when you get started building your empire:

Be sure to check out these helpful links when you get started building your empire:
Log into the Game
New Player FAQ
Contact Support
Game FAQ
Guides, Forum Directory and More!



Castle Empire Master and Ubisoft Player Experience Manager

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